令和5年度春学期の日本語クラス案内 Japaneses Classes Guidebook for Spring 2023
English follows Japanese.
国際教育課人材教育チーム(多言語文化総合教育棟内 1F)
Email: gji-ryugaku*jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp *は@に替えてください。
Tel: 096-342-2092
Dear everyone of Kumamoto University,
Finally, we would like to announce that “Japanese classes guidebook” is now issued! Thank you all for waiting.
If you wish to take Japanese language classes in Spring 2023, please check the URL below and download the guidebook. Please be sure to read it if you wish to learn Japanese language at Kumamoto University.
The classes will be differed by your student status and your Japanese language level.
Also, the class code will be different depends on whether you have an eligible student status for a class credit or not.
If you have further questions, you can visit the Japanese language instructors at the North Kurokami Campus or use the Web inquiry form attached to this page.
Global Education Division at the Center for International Education.
Email: gji-ryugaku*jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Please change *to @
Tel: 096-342-2092
2023年度 前期 教養教育科目Multidisciplinary Studiesのご案内
多言語文化総合教育センターでは、英語による教養教育科目Multidisciplinary Studiesを開講します。
2023前期 Multidisciplinary Studies英語による教養教育
令和4年度後期 熊本大学日本語研修コース 修了式・短期留学プログラム閉講式を行いました!
令和5年2月21日(火)に、熊本大学黒髪北キャンパスの多言語文化総合教育棟交流ラウンジにて、令和4年度後期の熊本大学日本語研修コース 修了式・短期留学プログラム閉講式を行いました。 今回はコロナ後初の対面での閉講式となり、今期でプログラム期間を終了した日本語研修コース生2名と短期留学プログラム生23名が出席しました。日本式の式典に少し緊張した面持ちでしたが、和やかな雰囲気の中式典が始まり、副学長からのご挨拶のあと、日本語研修コース生と短期留学プログラム生代表から、学修経験とたくさんの思い出がつまった日本語での代表謝辞がありました。少し気温は冷たかったですが、暖かな日差しの中、笑顔で集合写真をとり、無事に式を執り行うことができました。
The lounge at the Center for International Education was held the “Completion Ceremony for the “Fall 2022 Intensive Japanese Program & Closing Ceremony for the Short-Term Exchange Program” on Tuesday, February 21. As this event was the first face-to-face ceremony after the new corona pandemic, there were two Japanese Intensive course students and twenty-three University Short-Term Exchange Program students attended. Although the students had a little nervous expression on their faces for the Japanese style ceremony, the ceremony started in a cozy atmosphere. After the Congratulatory Address from Vice President, we had messages of gratitude with full of learning experiences and memories from a student representative from the Japanese Intensive Course and Short-Term Exchange Program. It was cold on that day; however, we could take group pictures with smiles in warm spring sunlight and had completed the ceremony.