令和5年度秋学期の日本語クラス案内 Japaneses Classes Guidebook for Fall 2023
English follows Japanese.
国際教育課人材教育チーム(多言語文化総合教育棟内 1F)
Email: gji-ryugaku*jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp *は@に替えてください。
Tel: 096-342-2092
Dear everyone of Kumamoto University,
Finally, we would like to announce that “Japanese classes guidebook” is now issued! Thank you all for waiting.
If you wish to take Japanese language classes in Fall 2023, please check the URL below and download the guidebook. Please be sure to read it if you wish to learn Japanese language at Kumamoto University.
The classes will be differed by your student status and your Japanese language level.
Also, the class code will be different depends on whether you have an eligible student status for a class credit or not.
If you have further questions, you can visit the Japanese language instructors at the North Kurokami Campus or use the Web inquiry form attached to this page.
Global Education Division at the Center for International Education.
Email: gji-ryugaku*jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Please change *to @
Tel: 096-342-2092
令和5年度春学期の日本語クラス案内 Japaneses Classes Guidebook for Spring 2023
English follows Japanese.
国際教育課人材教育チーム(多言語文化総合教育棟内 1F)
Email: gji-ryugaku*jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp *は@に替えてください。
Tel: 096-342-2092
Dear everyone of Kumamoto University,
Finally, we would like to announce that “Japanese classes guidebook” is now issued! Thank you all for waiting.
If you wish to take Japanese language classes in Spring 2023, please check the URL below and download the guidebook. Please be sure to read it if you wish to learn Japanese language at Kumamoto University.
The classes will be differed by your student status and your Japanese language level.
Also, the class code will be different depends on whether you have an eligible student status for a class credit or not.
If you have further questions, you can visit the Japanese language instructors at the North Kurokami Campus or use the Web inquiry form attached to this page.
Global Education Division at the Center for International Education.
Email: gji-ryugaku*jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Please change *to @
Tel: 096-342-2092
Web Open Campus 2021 “Summer Festa” was held by Center for International Education
Web Open Campus 2021 event “Summer Festa” was held on 21 August on Zoom. It was organized by the Center for International Education (KU).
This year, we planned the event which high school students can exchange through the roundtable with Global Leader Course Students at KU. 47 students from each prefecture in Kyushu joined the event. The Global Leader Course students offered a simple introduction and guidance to participants in regard to an entrance exam, the multidisciplinary studies class, study abroad experience and the Global Leader Course program.
Afterwards, the participants offered comments about the event, for example “The feeling that I want to go the Kumamoto University as GLC student is getting stronger.” and “I was able to picture college life concretely because I heard the real opinion from the GLC students”
Kumamoto University’s Global Youth Campus project will continue to offer more opportunities for high school students to experience global education and interaction with international students.
Mahidol University (Thailand) paid a courtesy call on President Harada
The three delegates including Professor Prasit Watanapa, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University (Thailand), paid a courtesy visit to President Shinji Harada on December 11, 2017.
Mahidol University is one of the prestigious universities in Thailand representing with historic Siriraj Hospital established in 1888.
Since conclusion of university-level agreement with Kumamoto University in 2013, universities have been promoting mutual exchange of researchers and students.
During the informal talk with President Harada, history of the exchange in the recent years have been reported, as well as the promotion plan for further exchange.
The delegates also paid a visit to Professor Ando, Dean of Faculty of Life Sciences, and had a concrete discussion about Double Degree Program.
Along with the courtesy call, given a chance to tour around the Kurokami campus and University Hospital and deepen the understanding of facilities of Kumamoto University.
The event has been part of contribution for the promotion of further exchange.
(From left) Professor Siwanon Jirawatnotai, Associate Professor Thawornchai Limjindaporn Professor Prasit Watanapa(Dean of Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital), President Shinji Harada, Professor Seiji Okada
Opening Ceremony of AP-SixERS Takes Place in Bangkok, Thailand
On August 21st, 2017, Kanazawa University and SUN/SixERS (Six National Universities International Education and Research System) hosted the Opening Ceremony for SixERS ASEAN Platform (AP-SixERS) in Bangkok, Thailand. The ceremony was attended by Mr. Shigeki Kobayashi, Head of the Cultural Public Relations Department at the Embassy of Japan in Thailand, Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, Executive Director of ASEAN University Network, and approximately 100 participants from government agencies, partner institutions in Thailand, and Japanese businesses located in Bangkok, all of whom celebrated the opening of the new office.
This office is the third joint office established by SUN/SixERS, a consortium of six national universities, Chiba University, Niigata University, Kanazawa University, Okayama University, Nagasaki University and Kumamoto University, after the Asian Platform (Changchun, China) was established in November 2014 and European Platform (Leiden, Netherland) was established in August 2016. The purpose of the joint offices is to promote exchanges with excellent universities around the globe, particularly with those in the regions of strategic importance.
After the ceremony, there was a tour of the KX Building where the office is, after which the Memorial Party for the Opening Ceremony of AP-SixERS took place. At the Party, the Vice-President for International Affairs at Kumamoto University, Prof. Kazuki Takashima, gave a short presentation to introduce Kumamoto University.
His Excellency, the Hon. Thurain Thant Zin, Myanmarian Ambassador to Japan pays a courtesy call on Kumamoto University
On May 15th, 2017, His Excellency, the Honorable Thurain Thant Zin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to Japan, along with two other Myanmarian Embassy officials, paid a courtesy call on the Vice-President for International Affairs at Kumamoto University, Kazuki Takashima.
Members of the Kyushu Myanmar Friendship Association were also in attendance, and in a friendly discussion we agreed to continue developing collaborative relationships.
After that, a roundtable discussion was held, with about 10 international students from Myanmar who are currently studying at Kumamoto University, they discussed their student life at Kumamoto University and interest in Kumamoto.
His Excellency, Ambassador Thurain Thant Zin and Vice-President for International Affairs Kazuki Takashima.
KUMADAI Global Youth Campus Project, “Go Global Seminar”
The KUMADAI Global Youth Campus Project, “Go Global Seminar” was held on January 27, 2017 at the 100th Anniversary Memorial Hall of Kumamoto University, under the theme, “What kind of people can play a leading role in the global community?” This project aims to provide students from local junior high schools, high schools, and technical colleges with an early global education.
About 160 people, including students from high schools and universities, as well as people related to education in Kumamoto Prefecture, participated in the event and listened to lectures in English given by Prof. Marcelo J. Kuroda (Tulane University, New Orleans, USA) and Prof. Mark Williams (University of Leeds, UK), external board members of Kumamoto University’s globalization project.
Both Prof. Kuroda and Prof. Williams told the audience, based on their experience, that people who desire to play a leading role in the global community should enhance their ability to communicate with people from multiple countries and to understand their cultures through multicultural experience. In the question-and-answer session after the lectures, the professors gave clear advice to the high school students with a view to studying abroad, such as “Have courage, and just go abroad,” and “Communicate not with language but heart-to-heart with people.”
After the seminar, many high school students attended a brief session explaining the Global Leader Course, a new undergraduate course open in FY 2017.
Kumamoto University Global Advisory Board Meeting AY 2016
Kumamoto University Global Advisory Board Meeting AY 2016 was held on January 27, 2017 at Kumamoto University. This meeting was held to consult with external experts who are well versed in the current university situation and operational approaches taken by universities in and outside Japan regarding development and implementation of our global strategies, promotion of international exchange for students and researchers, and implementation of our slogan, “A Leading University Cultivating Global Leaders from Kumamoto,”*1 as a university selected for the Top Global University Project*2 established by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. We will reflect their advice into our operational measures.
After an introduction from Vice President for International Affairs Kazuki Takashima regarding Kumamoto University’s efforts to promote globalization based on its concept, the participants, including President Shinji Harada, four Trustees, two related Vice Presidents, three Advisors to the President, and external members, discussed what has to be done to make Kumamoto University a more global institution. During the meeting, the external board members provided many valuable comments on the four policies*3 of Kumamoto University’s project concept, operational measures, and governance reform approaches, as well as advice on how to promote those projects from now on.
After the Advisory Board meeting, “Go Global Seminar,” an event of Kumamoto University Global Youth Campus, was held, in which Prof. Mark Williams and Prof. Marcelo J. Kuroda gave lectures for Kumamoto University students and local high school students.
Incorporating the comments and advice from external board members into our future approaches, we will further promote globalization projects by leveraging strengths unique to Kumamoto University, an attractive university open to the world.
External board members (honorifics omitted, Japanese alphabetical order)
・ Takanori Sonoda, Senior Fellow, the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
・ Mark Williams, Professor, University of Leeds, UK
・ Marcelo J. Kuroda, Professor, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
・ Yoshinao Mishima, President, Tokyo Institute of Technology
・ Miyoko Watanabe, Deputy Executive Director of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, Director of the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, Director of the Center for Science Communication
*1. Please refer to the following website for Kumamoto University’s Top Global University Project slogan “A Leading University Cultivating Global Leaders from Kumamoto.”
*2. Founded in 2014, the Top Global University Project, a (maximum) ten-year project, aims to support universities that make efforts to globalize and strengthen international competitiveness. It works to establish a sound educational environment by carrying out university reforms and globalization measures.
*3. Four policies for Kumamoto University’s project concept
- Introduction of an undergraduate educational system with high international standards
- Global atmosphere for the inclusion of international students
- Strengthened and Globalized Graduate Education to Support Cutting-edge Research
- Global Campus as a Driving Force for Internationalization in the Local Community