令和5年度秋学期の日本語クラス案内 Japaneses Classes Guidebook for Fall 2023
English follows Japanese.
国際教育課人材教育チーム(多言語文化総合教育棟内 1F)
Email: gji-ryugaku*jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp *は@に替えてください。
Tel: 096-342-2092
Dear everyone of Kumamoto University,
Finally, we would like to announce that “Japanese classes guidebook” is now issued! Thank you all for waiting.
If you wish to take Japanese language classes in Fall 2023, please check the URL below and download the guidebook. Please be sure to read it if you wish to learn Japanese language at Kumamoto University.
The classes will be differed by your student status and your Japanese language level.
Also, the class code will be different depends on whether you have an eligible student status for a class credit or not.
If you have further questions, you can visit the Japanese language instructors at the North Kurokami Campus or use the Web inquiry form attached to this page.
Global Education Division at the Center for International Education.
Email: gji-ryugaku*jimu.kumamoto-u.ac.jp Please change *to @
Tel: 096-342-2092