Japan Tag 2015 – Research and Study in Japan – at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in Germany
On November 5, 2015, Japan Tag 2015 – Research and Study in Japan – organized by the Bonn Office of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), was held in Heinrich Heine University (HHU) in the German city of Düsseldorf.
The purpose of this fair was to promote study in Japan and to provide students and researchers from HHU and other institutions in Germany with information concerning study-in-Japan programs, research systems and higher education research so that they can choose appropriate destinations to study and accomplish productive research in Japan. Twenty universities and research institutions from Japan set up booths in HHU to provide information. The venue was visited by about 400 people, and was crowded all day.
Topics relating to mutual exchanges between Japan and Germany were on the agenda for the seminar. They included a lecture titled “The Internationalization of German and Japanese Higher Education.” Interestingly, a German higher education staff member explained the Top Global University Project launched by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), while a Japanese researcher explained the status of higher education in Germany. This ability to explain each other’s education systems demonstrates that the two countries already have a deep mutual understanding and a good relationship. Subsequently, Japanese universities and research institutions delivered brief introductions while German participants took notes with interest.
Approximately 100 students and researchers visited the Kumamoto University booth. The staff at the booth talked about the university and the procedures needed to study in KU using brochures, posters, the official website and YouTube.
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf has five faculties: (1) Business Administration and Economics, (2) Arts and Humanities, (3) Law, (4) Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and (5) Medicine. It also is home to the University Hospital and the Department of Modern Japanese Studies, where students study the Japanese language. Several of the students who visited the KU booth expressed their interest in studying, especially in the graduate schools of medicine, health, and pharmaceutical sciences and the Japanese language courses of KU. We were impressed by their strong desire to study at KU. We fully expect to use this opportunity to further exchanges with students and researchers at HHU and other universities in Germany.

Takashi Hiyama, Distinguished Professor of Priority Organization for Innovation and Excellence, talking about KU

University Research Administrator explaining researcher exchange programs

KU staff talking about studying at KU