記念式典・特別講演 13:00-14:20
※ 学校教育関係者を対象としています
特別講演 “Hold Your Own Torch” -松明(たいまつ)は自らの手で-
園田 隆則 先生
高島 和希 グローバル教育カレッジ長
授業体験・施設見学会 14:30-17:00
第1部(14:30-15:00) ※授業タイトルをクリックすると、授業の簡単な説明(英語・日本語)が表示されます
第2部(15:20-15:50) ※授業タイトルをクリックすると、授業の簡単な説明(英語・日本語)が表示されます
Scientific Literacy 中田眞佐美 教授
Controversial science policy issues, such as nuclear power development, climate change, or genetically modified food, call for open and public debate. The need for the public to participate in the debate on such complex scientific issues implies an increasingly important role in science education in preparing scientific literate citizens.
原子力発電、気候変動、遺伝子組み替え食品 など、科学者だけでなく一般市民が議論に参加しなければいけない科学的な事柄が増え続けています。ここでは、一般市民が科学的な事柄に関 する議論に参加するための科学リテラシーの必要性について話します。
Living in a Globalized Society Joshua Rickard 特任講師
This class will explore different cultures and societies around the world and the various social relations that have developed through globalization. Through learning about different cultures and perspectives students will be exposed to different ways of viewing the world and understanding other societies.
Music and Mind Chan Cheong Jan 特任教授
Hidden in the sound of music is a blend of human thinking and feeling. Taking the change of sound of a string instrument in Borneo Island, sape, as an example, we shall explore what is “authentic” sound and its meaning in our life. (Live performance demonstration included)
What is Globalization? 越野香子 特任准教授
Globalization means that people in different countries have common cultural experiences by watching a Korean drama as your favorite show or drinking Frappuccino as your favorite Starbucks menu or speaking in English as a common language. In this teaching demo, we will explore how globalization impacts our lives and pros and cons of becoming one society.